Door-to-door private transportation
from Campeche to Merida

Are you looking for a safe and reliable way to get around Campeche?

We offer door-to-door private shuttle services that include gas, tolls, and your driver. You can choose your own schedule (time of day) so you don’t have to worry about anything but enjoying yourself. Our drivers are experienced in all aspects of driving in the city so they know how to avoid traffic jams or other issues that might arise during your trip. They will also help you find some great spots along the route if you want them to!

Vehicle options for this trip Campeche to Merida

Sedan Car

Sedan Car

  Max. Passengers: 3

$354.00 USD per vehicle

Price includes driver gasoline and all toll expenses

Toyota Hiace

Toyota Hiace

  Max. Passengers: 9

$396.00 USD per vehicle

Price includes driver gasoline and all toll expenses

Enhace your shuttle Campeche to Merida


Archaeological Site

An architectural complex that rises majestically on the hillsides. More.


Archaeological Site

This Mayan ruin is one that you shouldn't miss while traveling through Campeche or Merida. More.


Archaeological Site

The most iconic of all Mayan cities is Uxmal. More.

Grutas de Calcehtok

Natural Site

A splendid natural place with an incredible view. More.


Archaeological Site

A hidden gem in the Puuc region of Yucatan. More.

Chocholá Hotel Chablé

Colonal Hotel

One of the most beautiful experiences begins the moment you arrive at the facilities. More.

Hacienda Yaxcopoil

Colonial Hacienda

This Hacienda has a fascinating history that is worth discovering More.

Intelligent transportation services from Campeche to Merida

Intelligent transportation services from Campeche to Merida

When it comes down to it, we just want our customers happy with their experience using our service. We know what it’s like not having a car while traveling and we want everyone who uses us to feel like they made the right choice when booking with us. So book now! It couldn’t be easier! And remember – no extra entrances at any touristic sites included in price!

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