Manaus, the Amazon city in Brazil Manaus

Manaus is the capital of the State of Amazonas in Brazil and is located in the North Region of the country. Known as the Paris of the Tropics, thanks to its intense modernization since the Fiebre del Caucho (a period of strong economic and social growth in Brazil), Manaus is located in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest. From that era, the beautiful buildings, built with the use of refined materials imported from Europe, remained as inheritances to the city. One of its highlights is the Teatro Amazonas, with its colored summit made up of 36 thousand pieces of glazed ceramic.

In the city you can walk through the jungle in the morning and attend an opera at night. Manaus offers a space surrounded by nature, culture, art and gastronomy. You will be dazzled by the wonderful shows offered by the majestic Amazonas Opera House, built with high-end materials. 

Manaus is a hot city, heat and rains are the main characteristics of its humid equatorial climate. The exotic cuisine of Manaus has a wide variety of typical dishes made with fish and spices native to the region.

Like any Brazilian city, it is a good destination to visit during Carnival time. All the color, joy and vibration of the Brazilian carnival celebrations can be experienced in the capital of the State of Amazonas. The main event during this week is set at the city's Convention Center, where samba schools compete during the parade.

The tourist who visits Manaus during the day has a lot of activities to choose from and tourist attractions to visit. Similarly, at nightfall, the number of options available in the city is huge and for all tastes. You can enjoy clubs, theaters, artistic shows with the most varied rhythms, bars, folkloric presentations, art and culture. The most visited places at night are located near the Amazonas Theater and Praca da Saudade.

Excursions on large rivers or narrow streams also provide contact with coastal communities, and offer opportunities to learn about indigenous influence at its best. One of those manifestations is the local gastronomy, with its exotic dishes. Among those that arouse the most curiosity is the tacacá, a kind of soup prepared with tucupí, dried shrimp, yucca gum and jambu leaves.


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